Resultado da pesquisa (9)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Martins T.B.

#1 - Salmonellosis in calves without intestinal lesions

Abstract in English:

Salmonellosis is a known cause of enteric disorders in calves. However, cases in the septicemic form may not present enteric lesions, which may lead the veterinary practitioner to not suspect salmonellosis, compromising the diagnosis. The current study describes the epidemiological, clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical aspects of septicemic salmonellosis in calves without enteric lesions. The protocols involving bovine material submitted to the Pathology Laboratory (LAP) of the “Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia” (FAMEZ) of the “Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul” (UFMS) from January 1995 to July 2018 were studied. Cases confirmed or suggestive of septicemic salmonellosis in calves without enteric manifestations were selected. Fragments of the liver, lung, and spleen embedded in paraffin were submitted to immunohistochemistry (IHC). Only cases in which there was positive marking on the IHC or culture isolation of Salmonella were included in this study. Of a total of 5,550 cattle examined in the period, ten presented septicemic salmonellosis without enteric lesions. Clinical signs included mucosal pallor, apathy, hyperthermia, and dyspnea. Only three calves presented diarrhea, and two were found dead before clinical changes were observed. The most common necropsy findings were hepatosplenomegaly; yellow, orange or brown discolored livers; pale mucous membranes; inflated and sometimes red lungs; fibrin or fluid within body cavities; and gallbladder filled with inspissated bile. Jaundice was observed in three calves that had a concomitant infection with Anaplasma sp. Microscopically, paratyphoid hepatic nodules and interstitial pneumonia were the most frequent manifestations, followed by thrombosis and bacterial colonies in the spleen, lung, liver, and brain. A strong positive marking was observed in IHC, predominantly in the lung and to a lesser extent in the liver. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) indicated the Dublin serotype as the causative agent in the samples of the four calves submitted to this procedure. In calves, the septicemic form was the major cause of death due to salmonellosis. Septicemic salmonellosis was usually not accompanied by diarrhea. The clinical signs of septicemia are nonspecific and of little assistance in the diagnosis. IHC has been shown to be efficient in the detection of the agent, mainly in the lung and especially in situations where it is not possible to perform bacterial culture.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A salmonelose é uma causa conhecida de distúrbios entéricos em bezerros. Porém, casos na forma septicêmica podem não apresentar manifestação entérica, o que leva o médico veterinário a não suspeitar de salmonelose, comprometendo o diagnóstico. Este estudo descreve os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e imuno-histoquímicos da salmonelose septicêmica em bezerros sem lesões entéricas. O estudo foi realizado a partir dos protocolos referentes a materiais de bovinos enviados para diagnóstico ao Laboratório de Anatomia Patológica (LAP) da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FAMEZ) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) de janeiro de 1995 a julho de 2018. Foram selecionados os casos de bezerros confirmados ou sugestivos de salmonelose septicêmica sem lesões entéricas. Fragmentos de fígado, pulmão e baço embebidos em parafina foram submetidos ao exame de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ). Somente foram incluídos neste estudo casos em que houve marcação positiva na IHQ ou isolamento da bactéria em cultura. De um total de 5.550 bovinos examinados no período, dez apresentaram salmonelose septicêmica sem lesão entérica. Os sinais clínicos incluíram palidez de mucosas, apatia, hipertermia e dispneia. Apenas três bezerros apresentaram diarreia e dois foram encontrados mortos sem terem sido observadas alterações clínicas. Os achados mais frequentes de necropsia foram hepatoesplenomegalia, fígado amarelado, alaranjado ou acastanhado, palidez de mucosas, pulmões inflados e, por vezes, vermelhos, fibrina ou líquido nas cavidades do organismo e vesícula biliar repleta de bile grumosa. Icterícia foi observada em três bezerros que apresentavam infecção concomitante por Anaplasma sp. Microscopicamente, os nódulos paratifoides hepáticos e pneumonia intersticial foram as manifestações mais encontradas, seguidas por trombose e colônias bacterianas no baço, pulmão, fígado e encéfalo. Na IHQ, marcação fortemente positiva foi observada, predominantemente, no pulmão e, em menor intensidade, no fígado. A técnica de reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR) tipificou o sorotipo Dublin como agente etiológico nas amostras dos quatro bezerros submetidos a este procedimento. Em bezerros, a forma septicêmica foi a principal responsável pelas mortes por salmonelose. Na maioria das vezes essa forma não estava acompanhada por diarreia. Os sinais clínicos da forma septicêmica são inespecíficos e de pouco auxílio no direcionamento do diagnóstico. A IHQ mostrou-se eficiente na detecção do agente principalmente no pulmão e especialmente nas situações em que não é possível a realização da cultura bacteriana.

#2 - Spontaneous poisoning by Brachiaria decumbens in goats, 36(5):389-396

Abstract in English:

ABSTACT.- Rosa F.B., Rubin M.I.B., Martins T.B., Lemos R.A.A., Gomes D.C., Pupin R.C., Lima S.C. & Barros C.S.L. 2016. Spontaneous poisoning by Brachiaria decumbens in goats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(5):389-396. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: An outbreak of Brachiaria decumbens poisoning in goats in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, is described. Out of a herd of about 1,000 goats, seven goats died after showing photosensitivity (3 out 7 goats) and icterus (4/7). Other clinical signs included lethargy, dehydration and weight loss (7/7). At necropsy there was either hepatomegaly or liver atrophy; orange, yellow or gray discoloration - were observed in the liver of six goats. Two had accentuation of lobular pattern and punctate, linear or stellar fibrous depressions were randomly distributedover the capsular surface. Macroscopic changesattributedto liver failure consisting of hydropericardium (2/7) and ascites (2/7) were observed. Histologically, there was accumulation of refringent crystals in the bile ducts and infiltration of foamy macrophages in the liver of all goats. Foamy macrophages were also present in the hepatic and mesenteric lymph nodes of two goats. The diagnosis of B. decumbens poisoning was based on epidemiology, clinical signs, necropsy findings and histopathology.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Rosa F.B., Rubin M.I.B., Martins T.B., Lemos R.A.A., Gomes D.C., Pupin R.C., Lima S.C. & Barros C.S.L. 2016. Spontaneous poisoning by Brachiaria decumbens in goats. [Intoxicação espontânea por Brachiaria decumbens em caprinos.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(5):389-396. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima 1000, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Relata-se um surto de intoxicação por Brachiaria decumbens em caprinos no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. De um rebanho de aproximadamente 1.000 caprinos, sete cabras morreram após apresentar fotossensibilização (3 de 7 cabras) e icterícia (4/7). Outros sinais clínicos incluíam apatia, desidratação e emagrecimento (7/7). Todas as cabras tinham alteração no tamanho do fígado - cinco estavam aumentados de volume e dois, diminuídos; o fígado de 6 cabras tinha alteração na cor - dois eram alaranjados, dois amarelados e dois, acinzentados; o fígado de duas cabras tinha acentuação do padrão lobular e outros dois apresentavam depressões fibrosas puntiformes, lineares ou estreladas, brancacentas distribuídas aleatoriamente pela superfície capsular. Adicionalmente, foram observadas alterações macroscópicas atribuídas à insuficiência hepática como hidropericárdio (2/7) e ascite (2/7). Alterações histopatológicas incluíam cristais refringentes nos ductos biliares e infiltrado de macrófagos espumosos no parênquima hepático de todas as cabras. Macrófagos espumosos também foram observados nos linfonodos mesentéricos e hepáticos em duas cabras. O diagnóstico de intoxicação por braquiária foi baseado na epidemiologia, achados clínicos, de necropsia e histopatológicos.

#3 - Neoplasia in swine: 37 cases, 35(6):541-546

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Brum J.S., Martins T.B., Vielmo A., Hammerschmitt M.E., Talini R., Minozzo C.D. & Barros C.S.L. 2015. [Neoplasia in swine: 37 cases.] Neoplasmas em suínos: 37 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(6):541-546. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Neoplasms in swine are rare. This paper describes neoplasms found in swine in the diagnostic routine of a veterinary pathology laboratory in the Central Region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil during a 49-year period, during which 2,266 cases of the various affections in swine were diagnosed. Of those 37 cases (1.6%) were neoplasms. In decreasing order of prevalence, the following neoplasms were found: lymphoma (11 out of 37 cases), nephroblastoma (11/37), melanoma (8/37), and papilloma (2/37). Adenoma hepatocelular, carcinoma hepatocelular, cholangiocarcinoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, granulocytic sarcoma were each found in one case out of the 37 cases. The gross and histological aspects of these tumors are described and their epidemiology is compared with the data available in the literature for neoplasia in swine

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Brum J.S., Martins T.B., Vielmo A., Hammerschmitt M.E., Talini R., Minozzo C.D. & Barros C.S.L. 2015. [Neoplasia in swine: 37 cases.] Neoplasmas em suínos: 37 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(6):541-546. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Neoplasmas em suínos são raros. Esse trabalho descreve os neoplasmas encontrados em suínos na rotina diagnóstica de um laboratório de patologia veterinária localizado na Região Central do Rio Grande do Sul. Durante um período de 49 anos, 2.266 casos de várias afecções em suínos foram encontrados, dos quais 37 (1,6%) eram neoplasmas. Em ordem decrescente de frequência, os seguintes neoplasmas foram encontrados: Linfoma (11/37), nefroblastoma (11/37), melanoma (8/37) e papiloma (2/37). Adicionalmente, um caso de cada um dos seguintes tumores foi observado: Adenoma hepatocelular, carcinoma hepatocelular, colangiocarcinoma, histiocitoma fibroso maligno e sarcoma granulocítico. O aspecto macroscópico e histológico desses tumores é descrito e a sua epidemiologia é comparada com os dados disponíveis na literatura para neoplasia suína.

#4 - Red eyes in the necropsy floor: twenty cases of hyphema in dogs and cats, 35(1):55-61

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Martins T.B. & Barros C.S.L. 2015. Red eyes in the necropsy floor: twenty cases of hyphema in dogs and cats. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(1):55-61. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Hyphema (hemorrhage within the anterior chamber of the eye) can be caused by several mechanisms and can easily be detected in routine ophthalmic or necroscopic examination as discolored red eye(s). The purpose of this study is to report the cause of hyphema diagnosed as a postmortem finding in dogs and cats. Twenty cases, 14 dogs and six cats of several ages and breeds and of both sexes were included in the study. Hyphema presented as a unilateral (14 cases out of 20) or bilateral (6/20) disorder in dogs and cats and extension of hemorrhage varied from minimal to diffuse. Hyphema was secondary to systemic disease (15/20) or occurred as a primary ocular lesion (5/20) in four dogs and one cat. Primary hyphema was always unilateral. In four of these cases, the cause of hyphema was trauma and remaining case was caused by phacoclastic uveitis in a dog with bilateral hypermature cataract. Various causes of bleeding disorders were found related to secondary hyphema: in decreasing order of frequency, they included vasculitis (8/15), systemic hypertension (5/15), and acquired coagulopathies (2/15). Vasculitis due to feline infectious peritonitis accounted for half of the cases (n=3) of systemic hyphema in cats. The various pathological aspects and pathogenesis of hyphema in dogs and cats are described and discussed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Martins T.B. & Barros C.S.L. 2015. Red eyes in the necropsy floor: twenty cases of hyphema in dogs and cats. [Olhos vermelhos na sala de necropsia: vinte casos de hifema em cães e gatos.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(1):55-61. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Hifema, hemorragia na câmara anterior do olho, pode ser causada por vários mecanismos e pode facilmente ser detectada no exame oftálmico de rotina ou na necropsia como olho(s) vermelhos(s). O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar as causas de hifema diagnosticado como um achado postmortem em cães e gatos. Vinte casos, 14 cães e seis gatos de várias idades e raças, e de ambos os sexos foram incluídos no estudo. O hifema em cães e gatos teve uma apresentação unilateral (14 casos dos 20) ou bilateral (6/20), e a extensão da hemorragia variou de mínima a difusa. O hifema era secundário à doença sistêmica (15/20) ou ocorreu como lesão ocular primária em cinco dos 20 casos (quatro cães e um gato). O hifema primário foi sempre unilateral; em quatro desses casos, a causa foi traumatismo e o caso restante foi causado por uveíte facoclástica em um cão com catarata hipermadura bilateral. Várias causas de distúrbios hemorrágicos foram encontradas em relação ao hifema secundário: em ordem decrescente de frequência foram: vasculite (8/15), hipertensão sistêmica (5/15) e coagulopatias adquiridas (2/15). Os vários aspectos patológicos e a patogênese do hifema são descritos e discutidos.

#5 - Fifty years in the blink of an eye: a retrospective study of ocular and periocular lesions in domestic animals, 34(12):1215-1222

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Martins T.B. & Barros C.S.L. 2014. Fifty years in the blink of an eye: a retrospective study of ocular and periocular lesions in domestic animals. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(12):1215-1222. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Av. Roraima 1000, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: A survey was undertaken aiming to obtain an overview of ocular and periocular lesions diagnosed in domestic mammals over a period of 50 years in a veterinary pathology diagnostic laboratory in the Central Region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In this lab, 33,075 histophatological exams had been performed over the period surveyed, of which 540 (1.6%) concerned ocular and periocular lesions. For various reasons ninety specimens were excluded from the study and the remaining 450 consisted of samples from dogs (53.5%), cattle (28.2%), cats (11.1%), horses (5.1%) sheep (1.3%), rabbits (0.4%), and pig (0.2%). The eyelids were the most prevalent (248/450) site of lesions in each of the species studied, followed by third eyelid (73/450), and conjunctiva (27/450). In dogs (241 samples) lesions in sebaceous glands (including Meibomian glands) were the most common findings (75/241), followed by melanocytic tumors (52/241) and nonspecific conjunctivitis (13/241). Squamous cell neoplasms, both benign and malignant, were relatively common. In cattle, anatomical sites affected by ocular and periocular lesions, in decreasing order of frequency, were eyelid, cornea and third eyelid. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) alone accounted for 80.3% of all diagnoses, while all neoplastic lesions made up for 85.0% of the lesions diagnosed in cattle. Neoplasia accounted for most of the lesions diagnosed in cats (39/50 cases); all of these were malignant, and SCC, hemangiosarcoma and fibrosarcoma were the most common types diagnosed. In horses, 19 out of 23 submissions were neoplasms and most were sarcoid (8/23) and SCC (8/23). There were six submissions from sheep with unpigmented skin, all of which represented SCC of the eyelids (5) and third eyelid (1).

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Martins T.B. & Barros C.S.L. 2014. Fifty years in the blink of an eye: a retrospective study of ocular and periocular lesions in domestic animals. [Cinquenta anos num piscar de olhos: um estudo retrospectivo sobre lesões oculares e perioculares em animais domésticos.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(12):1215-1222. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Av. Roraima 1000, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Foi realizada uma investigação para obter-se uma visão geral das lesões oculares e perioculares de mamíferos domésticos diagnosticadas ao longo de um período de 50 anos num laboratório de diagnóstico de patologia veterinária da Região Central do Rio Grande do Sul. Nesse laboratório, durante o período pesquisado foram realizados 33.075 exames histopatológicos, 540 dos quais (1,6%) eram de lesões oculares e perioculares. Por várias razões, 90 espécimes foram excluídos do estudo. As 450 amostras restantes consistiam espécimes de cães (53,5%), bovinos (28,2%), gatos (11,1%), cavalos (5,1%), ovelhas (1,3%), coelhos (0,4%), e porco (0,2%). As pálpebras foram o local mais prevalente (248/450) de ocorrência das lesões, seguidas da terceira pálpebra (73/450) e conjuntiva (27/450). Em cães (241 diagnósticos) as lesões nas glândulas sebáceas (incluindo as glândulas meibomianas) consistiram nos achados mais comuns (75/241), seguidos dos tumores melanocíticos (52/241) e de conjuntivites inespecíficas (13/241). Neoplasmas de células escamosas, tanto benignos como malignos, foram achados relativamente comuns. Em bovinos, os locais anatômicos afetados por lesões perioculares e oculares, em ordem decrescente de frequência, foram pálpebra, córnea e terceira pálpebra. Somente o carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) perfez 80,3% de todos os diagnósticos, enquanto todas as lesões neoplásicas juntas perfizeram 85,0% das lesões diagnosticadas em bovinos. Em gatos, a maioria (39/50 casos) das lesões diagnosticadas era de neoplasia maligna e CCE, hemangiossarcoma e fibrosarcoma foram os diagnósticos mais frequentes. Em equinos 19 de 23 submissões eram neoplasmas e os mais comuns foram sarcoide (8/23) e CCE (8/23). Em ovinos foram encontradas seis submissões, todas casos de CCE de pálpebra (5/6) ou terceira pálpebra (1/6) de ovinos de pele despigmentada.

#6 - Granulomatous lesions found in cattle slaughtered for meat productio, 34(8):763-769

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Tessele B., Martins T.B., Vielmo A. & Barros C.S.L. 2014. [Granulomatous lesions found in cattle slaughtered for meat production.] Lesões granulomatosas encontradas em bovinos abatidos para consumo. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(8):763-769. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: In order to help professionals of veterinary medicine in recognizing bovine lesions found during meat inspection at slaughterhouses, three granulomatous conditions of cattle were researched and their morphological similarities and differences were assessed. These three granulomatous conditions were actinobacillosis (caused by Actinobacillus lignieresii), actinomycosis (caused by Actinomyces bovis) and staphylococcal mastitis (caused by Staphylococcus aureus). Out of 505 lesions found in cattle slaughtered for human consumption, 40 were one of the three granulomatous conditions: 24 were actinobacillosis, 10 were actinomycosis and six were staphylococcal mastitis. Overall the gross and histological features of these three diseases are quite similar but their location helps give away the etiology. A. lignieresii affected soft tissues, mainly those of tongue and lymph nodes of the head region; A. bovis affected bone tissue mainly that of the mandible; and S. aureus main targeted tissue was the mammary gland. Histologically the granuloma resulting from the infection with either one of these three causal agents contained centrally located amorphous, eosinophilic, club like structures surrounded by viable and dead neutrophils. These were surrounded by a mantle of epithelioid macrophages and occasional multinucleated giant cells. These macrophage mantles were irregularly infiltrate by lymphocytes and plasma cells which tended to accumulate to the periphery of the lesion which, in turn, was fenced by a fibrous connective capsule. Given the employment of adequate techniques the causative the agent could be seen within or surrounding the clublike structures in each the three types of granulomatous lesions. In the case of staphylococcal mastitis, intralesional cocci were observed both in HE and Gram stained preparations, in the latter as gram-positive cocci. The agent in actinobacillosis (gram-negative bacilli) and actinomycosis (gram-positive bacilli) could only be observed in Gram stained preparations. The differential diagnosis for these lesions is included in the discussion of this paper.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Tessele B., Martins T.B., Vielmo A. & Barros C.S.L. 2014. [Granulomatous lesions found in cattle slaughtered for meat production.] Lesões granulomatosas encontradas em bovinos abatidos para consumo. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34(8):763-769. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Com o objetivo auxiliar profissionais médico-veterinários no reconhecimento das lesões de bovinos encontradas na linha de inspeção de carnes em matadouros frigoríficos, três condições granulomatosas de bovinos foram pesquisadas e suas semelhanças e diferenças avaliadas. Essas três condições granulomatosas foram actinobacilose (causada por Actinobacillus lignieresii), actinomicose (causada por Actinomyces bovis) e mastite estafilocócica (causada por Staphylococcus aureus). Em 505 lesões encontradas em bovinos abatidos para consumo humano, 40 eram uma dessas três lesões granulomatosas: 24 eram actinobacilose, 10 eram actinomicose e seis eram mastite estafilocócica. De um modo geral, os aspectos macro e microscópicos dessas três lesões eram bastante semelhantes, mas suas localizações ajudavam a presumir sua etiologia. A. lignieresii afetou tecidos moles, principalmente língua e linfonodos da cabeça; A. bovis afetou o tecido ósseo, principalmente o da mandíbula; e S. aureus teve a glândula mamária como o tecido alvo. Histologicamente, os granulomas resultantes da infecção por qualquer um desses três agentes continham uma estrutura amorfa, eosinofílica, com clavas irradiadas, localizada centralmente; essa estrutura era rodeada por neutrófilos íntegros e degenerados, que, por sua vez, eram cercados por um manto de macrófagos epitelioides e ocasionais células gigantes multinucleadas. Esses mantos de macrófagos eram irregularmente infiltrados por linfócitos e plasmócitos que tendiam a se acumular na periferia da lesão, que era cercada por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo. Dependendo da aplicação do método de coloração adequado, o agente etiológico podia ser visto em cada um dos três tipos de lesão granulomatosa. No caso da mastite estafilocócica, cocos intralesionais foram observados tanto nas colorações por HE como nas de Gram, nessa última como cocos gram-positivos. O agente da actinobacilose (bacilos gram-negativos) e da actinomicose (bacilos gram-positivos) pôde ser observado somente nas colorações de Gram. Os diagnósticos diferenciais para essas três condições são discutidos.

#7 - Dermatitis associated with consumption of defatted rice bran in cattle, 32(7):627-632

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Brum J.S., Martins T.B., Tessele B., Giaretta P.R., Riet-Correa F. & Barros C.S.L. 2012. [Dermatitis associated with consumption of defatted rice bran in cattle.] Dermatite associada ao consumo de farelo de arroz desengordurado em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(7):627-632. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Dermatitis has been observed in Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, in cattle supplemented with defatted rice bran in an amounts equivalent to 1% of body weight. An outbreak of dermatitis in cattle associated with consumption of defatted rice bran in Rio Grande do Sul, is herein described. Out of a total of 26 3-year-old cattle consuming this ration, seven had lesions that were observed after 24 days on the ration. The lesions were observed in the distal hind limbs and were characterized by areas of alopecia with marked thickening of the epidermis with crust formation imparting a thicken and fissured aspect to the skin. The histological lesions observed in these cases were characterized as moderate superficial perivascular chronic dermatitis focally extensive, with irregular acanthosis and serocellular crusting. The gross lesions observed, together with epidemiological data, allow for a diagnosis of dermatitis associated with the consumption of defatted rice bran. Histologic changes, although not pathognomonic, are typically described in this disease.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Brum J.S., Martins T.B., Tessele B., Giaretta P.R., Riet-Correa F. & Barros C.S.L. 2012. [Dermatitis associated with consumption of defatted rice bran in cattle.] Dermatite associada ao consumo de farelo de arroz desengordurado em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(7):627-632. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Dermatite tem sido observada em bovinos no Uruguai e no Rio Grande do Sul que são suplementados com farelo de arroz desengordurado em quantidade equivalente a 1% do peso corporal. Descreve-se um surto de dermatite associada ao consumo de farelo de arroz desengordurado em um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Do total de 26 bovinos, com três anos de idade, sete apresentaram lesões que foram observadas após 24 dias de ingestão da ração de farelo de arroz desengordurado. As lesões eram observadas na extremidade distal dos membros posteriores e se caracterizavam por áreas de alopecia, com acentuado espessamento da epiderme, formando crostas secas, espessas e fissuradas. A lesão histológica observada nestes casos foi caracterizada como dermatite perivascular superficial crônica focalmente extensa moderada, com acantose irregular e formação de crosta serocelular. As lesões macro e microscópicas observadas, juntamente com os dados epidemiológicos, permitem concluir o diagnóstico de dermatite associada ao consumo de farelo de arroz desengordurado. As lesões histológicas, embora não patognomônicas, são descritas nesta doença.

#8 - Aspectos clínicos-hematológicos e lesões vesicais nas formas crônicas de intoxicação espontânea por Pteridium aquilinum em bovinos, p.515-525

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Gabriel A.L., Kommers G.D., Masuda E.K, Fighera R.A., Piazer J.V.M., Barros C.S.L., Martins T.B. & Rosa F.B. 2009. [Clinical and hematological aspects and urinary bladder lesions in chronic spontaneous poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle.] Aspectos clínicos-hematológicos e lesões vesicais nas formas crônicas de intoxicação espontânea por Pteridium aquilinum em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):515-525. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Spontaneous cases of chronic poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle were studied. The clinical forms of the disease were squamous cell carcinoma (SCCs) of the upper digestive tract (UDT) and bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH). The cases were from the midland Region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and were submitted to the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Clinical signs and blood work were evaluated at terminal phase of disease. Cattle with UDT SCCs had progressive weigth loss, ruminal atony, cough, dysphagia, bloating, and regurgitation. In cattle with BEH, hematuria was observed in all cases, followed by progressive weight loss. Non-regenerative anemia was detected in 33.33% of the cattle with UDT SCCs form and in 66.66% of the cattle with BEH form. Changes in white blood count occurred in some cases but drop in lymphocyte numbers was uncommon in both forms of disease. For the morphological study, urinary bladders from 46 cattle with UDT SCCs and 11 cattle with BEH were analyzed. Grossly, 16/46 bladders from the UDT SCCs form had gross lesions (red or pale vesical nodules, hemorrhages, and papilomas; red urine was detected at necropsy of only three cases). In BEH form, the bladder had nodules, large neoplastic masses, red urine, papilomas, and hemorrhages. Pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis were seen in a few cases. Microscopically, in the UDT SCCs form, 44/46 (95.65%) bladders had 22 different types of morphological changes, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/22) and non-neoplastic lesions (17/22); the latter were subdivided in non-neoplastic epithelial changes (6/17), general changes of the lamina propria (6/17), and inflammatory changes (5/17). The bladder changes in BEH form were of 19 different types, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/19) and non-neoplastic lesions (14/19), which were subdivided in non-neoplastic epitelial changes (9/14), general changes of the lamina propria (3/14), and inflammatory changes (2/14). In BEH, mesenchymal neoplasms were more observed than epithelial ones, and most of them were malignant. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to characterize the histogenesis of poorly differentiated neoplasms. In conclusion, the morphological study demonstrated that urinary bladder lesions identical to the those seen in cattle with BEH, are very often present in cattle with the UDT SCCs form.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Gabriel A.L., Kommers G.D., Masuda E.K, Fighera R.A., Piazer J.V.M., Barros C.S.L., Martins T.B. & Rosa F.B. 2009. [Clinical and hematological aspects and urinary bladder lesions in chronic spontaneous poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle.] Aspectos clínicos-hematológicos e lesões vesicais nas formas crônicas de intoxicação espontânea por Pteridium aquilinum em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(7):515-525. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: Spontaneous cases of chronic poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum in cattle were studied. The clinical forms of the disease were squamous cell carcinoma (SCCs) of the upper digestive tract (UDT) and bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH). The cases were from the midland Region of the Midwest of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and were submitted to the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Clinical signs and blood work were evaluated at terminal phase of disease. Cattle with UDT SCCs had progressive weigth loss, ruminal atony, cough, dysphagia, bloating, and regurgitation. In cattle with BEH, hematuria was observed in all cases, followed by progressive weight loss. Non-regenerative anemia was detected in 33.33% of the cattle with UDT SCCs form and in 66.66% of the cattle with BEH form. Changes in white blood count occurred in some cases but drop in lymphocyte numbers was uncommon in both forms of disease. For the morphological study, urinary bladders from 46 cattle with UDT SCCs and 11 cattle with BEH were analyzed. Grossly, 16/46 bladders from the UDT SCCs form had gross lesions (red or pale vesical nodules, hemorrhages, and papilomas; red urine was detected at necropsy of only three cases). In BEH form, the bladder had nodules, large neoplastic masses, red urine, papilomas, and hemorrhages. Pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis were seen in a few cases. Microscopically, in the UDT SCCs form, 44/46 (95.65%) bladders had 22 different types of morphological changes, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/22) and non-neoplastic lesions (17/22); the latter were subdivided in non-neoplastic epithelial changes (6/17), general changes of the lamina propria (6/17), and inflammatory changes (5/17). The bladder changes in BEH form were of 19 different types, characterized by neoplastic lesions (5/19) and non-neoplastic lesions (14/19), which were subdivided in non-neoplastic epitelial changes (9/14), general changes of the lamina propria (3/14), and inflammatory changes (2/14). In BEH, mesenchymal neoplasms were more observed than epithelial ones, and most of them were malignant. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to characterize the histogenesis of poorly differentiated neoplasms. In conclusion, the morphological study demonstrated that urinary bladder lesions identical to the those seen in cattle with BEH, are very often present in cattle with the UDT SCCs form.

#9 - Prevalência das dermatopatias não-tumorais em cães do município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul (2005-2008), p.157-162

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Souza T.M., Fighera R.A., Schmidt C., Réquia A.H., Brum J.S., Martins T.B. & Barros C.S.L. 2009. [Prevalence of non-tumorous canine dermatopathies in dogs from the municipality of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2005-2008).] Prevalência das dermatopatias não-tumorais em cães do município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul (2005-2008). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(2):157-162. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: The current study was aimed at determine the prevalence of non-tumorous canine dermatopathies affecting dogs from the municipality of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. From March 2005 to June de 2008, the authors followed-up canine dermatological cases from two sources: those referred to the Dermatology Sector of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria and those from a private practice. During this period 480 dogs with dermatological problems were examined; in 393 (81.9%) it was possible to establish a definitive diagnosis and in 87 (18.1%) the diagnosis was inconclusive. Four hundred and twenty four primary diagnosis and 78 secondary diagnosis were performed in the 393 dogs with conclusive diagnosis, totaling 502 diagnosis. The distribution of the diagnosis according to the categories of diagnosed dermatopathies was as follows: Allergic (190/502 [37.8%]), bacterial (103/502 [20.5%]), parasitic (97/502 [19.3%]), environmental (28/502 [5,6%]), mycotic (20/502 [4.0%]), endocrine (13/502 [2.6%]), keratinization disturbances (11/502 [2.2%]), psychogenic (9/502 [1.8%]), acquired alopecias (6/502 [1.2%]), autoimmune (6/502 [1.2%]), inherited (6/502 [1.2%]), pigmentary disturbances (1/502 [0.2%], nutritional (1/502 [0.2%]), and sundry conditions (11/502 [2.2%]). In general, the ten most frequently diagnosed non-tumorous dermatopathies in decreasing order of frequency were: Atopy, flea bite allergic dermatitis, bacterial folliculitis, demodectic mange, deep bacterial folliculitis/furunculosis, sarcoptic mange, myiasis, food allergy, traumatic pyoderma, and Malassezia dermatitis. These 10 conditions together made up approximately for three quarters of all canine skin diseases diagnosed in the current study.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Souza T.M., Fighera R.A., Schmidt C., Réquia A.H., Brum J.S., Martins T.B. & Barros C.S.L. 2009. [Prevalence of non-tumorous canine dermatopathies in dogs from the municipality of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2005-2008).] Prevalência das dermatopatias não-tumorais em cães do município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul (2005-2008). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(2):157-162. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: The current study was aimed at determine the prevalence of non-tumorous canine dermatopathies affecting dogs from the municipality of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. From March 2005 to June de 2008, the authors followed-up canine dermatological cases from two sources: those referred to the Dermatology Sector of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria and those from a private practice. During this period 480 dogs with dermatological problems were examined; in 393 (81.9%) it was possible to establish a definitive diagnosis and in 87 (18.1%) the diagnosis was inconclusive. Four hundred and twenty four primary diagnosis and 78 secondary diagnosis were performed in the 393 dogs with conclusive diagnosis, totaling 502 diagnosis. The distribution of the diagnosis according to the categories of diagnosed dermatopathies was as follows: Allergic (190/502 [37.8%]), bacterial (103/502 [20.5%]), parasitic (97/502 [19.3%]), environmental (28/502 [5,6%]), mycotic (20/502 [4.0%]), endocrine (13/502 [2.6%]), keratinization disturbances (11/502 [2.2%]), psychogenic (9/502 [1.8%]), acquired alopecias (6/502 [1.2%]), autoimmune (6/502 [1.2%]), inherited (6/502 [1.2%]), pigmentary disturbances (1/502 [0.2%], nutritional (1/502 [0.2%]), and sundry conditions (11/502 [2.2%]). In general, the ten most frequently diagnosed non-tumorous dermatopathies in decreasing order of frequency were: Atopy, flea bite allergic dermatitis, bacterial folliculitis, demodectic mange, deep bacterial folliculitis/furunculosis, sarcoptic mange, myiasis, food allergy, traumatic pyoderma, and Malassezia dermatitis. These 10 conditions together made up approximately for three quarters of all canine skin diseases diagnosed in the current study.

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